Friday, October 17, 2014

Book review of "Julian Assange- The unathorised autobiography"


Wikileaks - a not for profit organization has been a phenomenal attempt at uncensored reporting. It is a war on secrecy. It stands as a paradigm for the kind of statesmanship referred to by US president Theodore Roosevelt in his words " Behind the ostensible government sits an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul this unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of statesmanship".
Various dictatorial and totalitarian governments (Libya, Zimbabwe, Kenya etc) and their atrocities were exposed . Major leaks like Iraq war logs and Afghan war logs brought to light the faux claims of the US about their secretly held barbaric military exploitations in these countries. Even India has not been kept of the hook with Cablegate (A series of US confidential diplomatic cables) releases exposing the deep seated corruptions, darker shades of few politicians, foreign policies, arms control etc of the country [1][2]. Though global community has opposing views on the impact of the work with adversaries claiming that leaking of 'confidential reports' will inevitably lead to security issues, the work itself has gained attention and countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Russia, Venezuela and even United nations have expressed solidarity with the project.

The book

The book is conceived and documented when he is under house arrest at Norfolk, East London 2010 for the stir that Wikileaks had created by then. Chapters two to seven serves as a personalized anecdotal references to explaining what constitutes the activist in Mr. Assange. Being born to parents for whom " idea of non conformity was only real passion worth being ruled by", his Tom Sawyer like childhood was spent traveling the breaths of Australia changing almost 30 schools in the span. In his own words " It was just that kind of life where consistency was a matter of style and values, not of there you parked your car or how you paid your debts". 

It was his mom's sexual affair with a man named Leil Meynell who was associated with a cult called 'The family' and the events  which followed that instilled in Mr. Assange his profound hatred for authority and coercion. It was during this period that a commodore 64 computer entered his life and changed the way he viewed world. " Computers provided a positive space in a negative field: they showed us we could start again, against 'self hood', against 'society', building something less flawed and less corrupt in these fresh pastures of code", he states.

The computers and modems also opened up a new arena for him: hacking. The challenge to break the artificial barriers created to restrict entry and guard private interest for profit and truths became almost an addictive hobby. His adventures took him to the information corridors of NASA, Pentagon, US military and scores of private organizations like Citibank, Norton etc. It was one of these electronic expeditions to Nortel's information system that got him and three of his companion hackers (together they called themselves ' The international subversives') get convicted for the 'trespassing into private information'. One could see the integrity in him even when his companions turned in for private gains when the case got stronger. He says " I couldn't abuse a private or a working friendship for a public gain". It was during these experiences that he basked in the true powers of Internet and had glimpses of how communication is a tool to pursue Justice and freedom of speech. 

He had also come into contact with a cryptographic movement named 'Cypherpunks' that championed the cause of individual information privacy to give individuals power to protect their own data from corporations and governments (Paypal was founded from this). This exposed him to Mathematics, cryptography and its power in changing the world.

When the world of Mathematics turned addictive enough, he decided to attend University of Melbourne for furthering his pedantic interests in Mathematics and physics. He details his mood about the university as " At first the university felt like a sheltered workshop for mental outpatients. Everyone was so tame, and the days were so structured and everyone so absorbed in a way that made it seem like the real world had somehow been filtered out". Elsewhere he condemns how "universities were being used by people interested in military profiteering".  
The law of causality expounded by quantum mechanics got him thinking of ways to relate the same to information and Internet. This was his true eureka moment and the birth of idea of Wikileaks. 

The rest of the book deals with the process of how Wikileaks came to be established and the particulars relating to its whistle blowing experiences. He also gives his side of the story about the allegation of rape for which he is facing extradition to Sweden currently. This part of the book also parades the reader through the nature of standard media publications and their unscrupulous ethics that makes one question whether media is really the fourth pillar of democracy or is it a propaganda mechanism to manufacture consent as warned by many  famous intellectuals including contemporary Mr. Noam Chomsky.

Why you should read this book

If you want to know what essentially makes up the man who believes " Technology can be used to pursue Justice", this is the book to turn to.


3. All the relevant references are provided as web-links on keywords.

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ride 1 - IITB-Yeoor-IITB

The monsoon is over. The bikes are out. Flamboyant machines of all classes are  husking out months of lethargy in the hot and humid October sunshine. I can hear the sweet noise of dérailleurs caressing the chain ring back and forth over the gear tooths. The occasional smell of machine oil and grease waft through the warm air. The bicycling season has just begun.

This year, I have a specific goal - The 200 Km BRM. But to get to that fitness level and machine credibility, regular disciplined exercise, bike maintenance and challenging rides have to be undertaken. In that direction, here is the first ride of the season.

IITB- Yeoor hills, Thane- IITB

Total distance: 36Km
Total time taken: 2 hours approx
Route taken: Easter Express highway (NH 3)
Team: Sangeeth and Deepak Malani

Short description of the ride
The ride commenced at 5.45am on Saturday, 11th October 2014. Predecided guidelines of pit stops every 30 min for energy nourishments was followed. Nourishment included Ritebite nutrition bar, Sneakers, Kellogs choco chips, bananas, apple, raisins and packaged groundnuts. Electral and glucose premixed water was carried for ion and carbohydrate replacements.My machine performed adorably throughout the ride.
The only challenging part of the ride was the Yeoor climb which lasts for about 1 Km. But surprisingly even under my relatively questionable fitness level, I somehow managed to finish the climb without alighting. I forayed into the nearby village at the foot of the hills till the point the road is no more tarmac and becomes impossible to ride. Due to some miscommunication, both of us lost track of each other at this stage and hence had to come back independently.

Lesson learnt: Communication with your riding partner/s about your plans are important for coordination.

Friday, October 10, 2014

How education continues to ruin my creativity

I have always felt that the education system that grooms us is a pointless, non exploratory, non creative harassment of minds. Since my childhood, I have always felt the 'pressure of performing', on my shoulders pushing me deeper and deeper into the crevices of non creative and mundane existence. 'Rut learning' was a part of my character. I hated history and geography. I lacked knowledge about basic civics and politics. Arts were almost non existent in my life till lately. I forgot the process of 'thinking' about things. 

I was poor at maths. To this day, after all the years of Maths training and celebratory degrees, I still feel dis empowered about Maths. Though I liked Science, senior school and later,  it occurred to me that the world did not share the same affection I had for the subject. Science was another measuring stick in the 'competitive world'. 

Whatever little interest was left in me with regard to Science after senior school made me choose engineering as my next checkpoint. I sincerely hoped that the four years of education will make me an able engineer who could build things and prove theorems. Alas, I resent building flawed hopes. After lots of cramming and pointless exams, I got the degree. While the pressure of academics mounted on me through the four years, I found solace in research. The philosophy of doing something without being judged and without being measured, inspired me. Since it was an hobby, I enjoyed it even more. I had a sense of deep fulfillment when I published my first conference paper as a young undergrad student. 

During this time, apart from my appetite for research, I became increasingly aware of my liking towards 'deep thinking', basic science, philosophy, music and most importantly writing. I also realized that I seeked adventure in my life. All this pushed me to look for options in the contemporary system that would allow me to have a stake in all or most of my interests. I occurred to me that maybe, PhD was an answer.

PhD sounded cool. You get to do research. You get paid doing it. And I heard that you get lots of time to pursue your extracurriculars. I had no second thoughts. 

I innocently mistook that PhD might be a time to pursue science with full heart. A time to begin all over again and reinstill in me the liking for Science and Maths that I have been robbed off, thanks to contemporary education. I also hope that these years be a time I get to learn and practice arts, challenge myself for adventures and discover myself in newer dimensions. 

Over the years, I have come to the realization that PhD is no different from say a corporate job. Everything is measured and you are always under pressure. Publish so many papers, attend so many conferences, work for 12 hours or write a thesis. It has nothing whatsoever to do with your liking for Science or your ability in Maths. If you can deliver, in time, you will get your degree. Period.

 I have also realized that this education system that cost me so many years of my life and possibilities is designed to cater to one specific demand: Industrialization. Like chickens fed before they are slaughtered, we are educated and groomed (read 'learn to un-think') to serve the purposes of few individuals running personal profit making corporations (and governments) and just shrink our lives into being merely 'cogs in the wheels'. Fear of failure is bred into our psyche and we are made to believe that if you don't get this degree and that job, then your life would be miserable. Elaborate systems are in place in our society to ensure that anyone who doesn't follow the line would face misery. I found many of my friends who are exceptionally talented eek out a living under the corporate hoods scared to venture out actively into the realms of their creativity and live a self dependent life. I felt sad that so many artists and possible masterpieces are lost through this.

This realization has inspired me to keep thinking of ways to ensure that I have my way with the world. That I shall persevere to do things that makes me genuinely happy and accomplished.  This meant spending extra hours writing short stories, learning guitar, cycling, trekking, learning Maths and Science on my own, reading, blogging etc. Its a tough plank to balance and find time, but I feel that its the only way I can feel alive. I may not be extraordinary in any of them. But it is the pursuit of them that gives me immeasurable joy.

Today, I came across this comic. I couldn't have related to it more than I am doing right now. I also came across this wonderful Ted talk (which also happens to be the most viewed Ted talk) titled "How schools kill creativity" which talks about pretty much whatever I have ranted above.

Do you feel opined to share your views? Sure, go ahead and comment. I would like to hear you story too.

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Friday, October 3, 2014

The Inviscible face of Justice

I have been reading Julian Assange's (the maverick who founded Wikileaks) autobiography titled " The Unauthorized Autobiography". Wikileaks is the new face of uncensored news reporting- a concept the mainstream media has forgot all about. Mainstream media today exists only as a ally to state and corporate machineries not out of common motives but more out of threats and pressures of powerful people whose motives are questioned by such uncensored publishing. It is on this stage that Wikileaks comes as a people's advocate to truth. As I understand it, it is a platform that publishes verifiable covert information which otherwise remains undisclosed within the government and corporate closets. Its power lies in the  secrecy it promises to the whistle blower - an intricate system of self denial with only one face to be held accountable for all the leaks at the very end: Julian Assange. Governments and corporations have been shaken by the revelations that has come forth about their manipulative and malicious activities [1]. Initially, it was threats of legal battles which they hoped would silence Assange. When he seemed not to budge, they desperately contemplated plans to tarnish his image by various 'illegal' measures: planting drugs in his possessions, accusing him of child pornography or alleging him to be a traitor linked to leaking potential information to terrorists. There were assassination threats too. But eventually, they settled for the cheapest trick in their bags: sexual assault charges on him against two Swedish women. He is currently at Ecuador embassy at London trying to escape an extradition to Sweden where he believes, he will be handed over to the US [2].
The Hokkolorob movement
Since September 3rd, there have been some uproars in  Jadhavpur university in Kolkata regarding institutional inaction in the case of a molestation of one of the students. Students took to the streets on a peaceful dharna demanding immediate action. On the callous night of September 16-17, police and non uniformed men (alleged by students to be Trinamool goons) under the instruction of the vice chancellor assaulted the protesters[3]. Such a bargain for democratic peaceful protest against an inefficient system. A solidarity march of almost 1,20,000 students, teachers, alumni, and general populace thronged the streets of Kolkata to protest over this dastardly act and take matters to the governor of West Bengal who is also the Chancellor of the University. Under pressure the Pro Vice Chancellor has resigned on 25th of September. Eventually a state panel was setup to investigate the the issue which submitted a report to the Education minister detailing sketches and possible names of the accused [4]. Though the light of justice took time to gleam through the shady corridors of some high handed involvement in covering up the molestation, it has strived to illuminate the truth in the end.
The Thought

The question that arises in my mind when I observe both the incidences is whether justice is only achievable when the injustices are questioned by an invisible or visible involvement of a group of people? Wikileaks is an invisible force with only one visible face. The students movement is a visible force with no single person accountability. Both has in someway achieved the cause of justice they set out for.
What about individual against state or corporations? Sometimes even in cases of such activisms, the leaders are always privy to the wrath of the tyrants (as in case of Assange). In most cases, an identified leader of such activism or his family are prone to bear the brunts of the oppression from the forces they are fighting. Even Assange, who is supposed to have evaluated the consequences of his actions, outpours his regret subtly in the words -"In some ways, the conflict that has come about as a result is not altogether unwelcome, but it's not something that my children, for example, signed up for. So that's really the greatest irritation [2]."
In a concept of judiciary where money and legality are on the same page, a righteous common man feels disempowered. Though his soul burns in inaction, he cocoons himself in the comfort of preservation of his social life. He is systemically desensitized to overlook the injustices and taught to live with them everyday. Good men see a murder and walk away not because they don't care; its because they are afraid of the consequences on their loved ones of expressing their seething anger at the act.
In the famous Batman series of Nolan, Bruce Wayne contemplates with his friend and caretaker Alfred regarding this exact issue:

Bruce Wayne:  People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne. As a man, I'm flesh and blood, I can be ignored, I can be destroyed; but as a symbol... as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting. 

Alfred: What symbol? 

Bruce Wayne: Something elemental, something terrifying.

Alfred: I assume that as you're taking on the underworld, this symbol is a persona to protect those you care about from reprisals. 

Justice seems possible in our society only if an invisible force pursues it.


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